
I create a lot of art that never sees the light of day, photos on walks, illustrations late at night, story ideas jotted in notebooks. I keep them locked away mostly because I feel like I have to do some grand reveal just to get folks to take a look. Prepare the splash image, export to different formats for each social platform, come up with keywords, don’t forget the engaging copy!

July 28th, 2024

My eye is always drawn to the more brutalist west wing of the CSU Stanislaus library. It stands in stark contrast to its airy remodel that faces the quad.

Olympus OM1 mkii

For a long time, I stopped making things for me just because I knew I wasn’t going to be sharing them. If it wasn’t for work, then what was the point of going through all of that hassle?

July 28th, 2024

Seems like there’s never enough of it and there’s always

something in the way, whether you realize it or not.

Olympus OM1 mkii

But recently, I’ve started to fall back in love with the idea of creating for the sake of my sanity. And this website, though it was originally intended for work, is a great place for a digital journal of my artistic thoughts.

July 28th, 2024

A light pole tries in vain to hold back nature as a bird defies its authority.

Olympus OM1 mkii

So if you’ve ever wanted to take a peek at how I see the world, the things that catch my eye, the thoughts going through my head as I snap a photo, the hopes that may or may not pan out; well then, this blog will be a glimpse into chaotic mess I call a mind.

July 28th, 2024

Dreaming of the open road.

Olympus OM1 mkii

Not sure if I’ll keep this up or not … but I’d like to.

July 28th, 2024. Olympus OM1 mkii


Fleeting Moments